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Human, Social, and Political Sciences - HSPS Tripos


On this page you can find a collection of links to useful resources and repositories that can assist you in your studies.

Study Resources

The HSPS Tripos has a supervison recommendation policy which you can read here. Each department within the HSPS Tripos has compiled information to advise students on essay writing, supervisions and exams. Visit the respective websites for further information:

iDiscover (Online Library)

You can use iDiscover to find academic articles and readings. Use the Libguide to learn more about on how to use iDiscover (including advanced searching techniques), using your library account and requesting and renewing books from libraries across the university.


At Cambridge, students benefit from access to one of the world’s largest university collections, dispersed across a range of libraries, from Colleges to the subject-specific holdings for HSPS (at the Seeley and Haddon Libraries) as well as the main University Library. Students might also find useful materials in the Marshall Library of the Faculty of Economics (Sidgwick Site), the Geography Library (Downing Site) and the History Faculty Library (Sidgwick Site). You will need to register at these latter libraries by presenting the library staff with your University Card and filling in an application form.

Study spaces

You can use Spacefinder to search for a place to study across the hundreds of libraries, cafes and classrooms in Cambridge, filtering by facilities, noise level and atmosphere.